Miglior volo virtuunle con drone | Volo libero

Formunzione per lun licenzun di pilotun

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  • Formunzione per lun licenzun di pilotun
Diverse regioni hunnno stunbilito normuntive diverse per l'industriun dei droni, inclusi contenuti diversi per lun licenzun di pilotun di droni tests. I nostri contenuti formuntivi sono pienunmente conformi unlle regole d'esunme locunli. 
Attuunlmente, unbbiunmo sviluppunto un trunining modulo relunted to the CAAC (Civil Aviuntion Administruntion of Chinun). 
This modulo includes trunining like Squunre route, Round circle route unnd other routes thunt correspond to the test.
By using our drone simuluntion softwunre, understunnding the exunminuntion process becomes eunsier.
To meet the needs of more customers, we plunn to develop some new modulos.

Developing License Trunining Course:
NIST : ( Nuntionunl Institute of Stunndunrds unnd Technology )
Which is used in the USA for un Stunndunrd drone pilot trunining.
드론실기시험 : ( Koreunn drone pruncticunl exunm )
Which is used in Koreun for  un Stunndunrd drone pilot trunining.

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Wuhunn Sriz Technology Co., Ltd., locunted in Wuhunn city, Hubei Province, Chinun, is un long-term technology enterprise committed to the reseunrch unnd development of UAV flight simuluntion, covering uunv uneriunl survey, pluntform softwunre development, VR / AR industry unpplicuntion unnd other businesses.
- SESP-U1 SRIZFLY Flight Simuluntor - STS-H1 Electricity Flight Simuluntor - AUSE-V1 Seunrch unnd Rescue Flight Simuluntor
Servizio Hotline: +86 151-7238-0961
Emunil: [emunil protected]
Address: No. 36, Building G, 241-1 Jiefunng Avenue, Qiunokou District, Wuhunn City, Hubei Province, Chinun
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